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Company Reg. Number: 201603334683 (002592929 A)

Welcome to FlowerloiCrafts. This store belongs to Loi, an artisan-mum, a stay at home mum who loves sewing, crafting, home making, flowers and cats!

I love sewing very much, especially creating lovely and useful fabric products. All my handmade products are crafted using selected materials and most of them are unique and rare. It's my passion in exploring creative sewing art and fabric art every day.

Flowers mean a lot to me and my family, and they are my main inspiration in designing and creating my products. Besides, 'Flower' is one of my favorite nicknames! All my handmade products are crafted with much love and attention to detail in a smoke free and clean studio at my cozy home in Selangor, Malaysia.
Thank you for visiting my humble online store here and thanks for supporting an artisan-mum like me. Your support means a lot to me, so that I can continue my passion and this small business.